Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bukowski Painting- Longing to Paint

Bukowski Painting
Summer 2008

One of the problems with real life is that you can't paint all the time. There is a host of necessary distractions you need to deal with in real life. The memory of warm light and summer has to carry you for many months. Luckily, I have a good memory.

If you like Robert Hughes check out the Mona Lisa Curse on Youtube. He rips the current art scene in New York. The problem is that art is simply investment fodder and we've lost the meaning of art and more importantly- great art.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bukowski Painting - Away from the Garden IV

William Bukowski
Sermon on the Mount, Center of the altarpiece
Reformation Lutheran Church 2008

With the central panel I was commissioned to paint the Sermon on the Mount. This was challenging because I wanted a group that may resemble the people of the congregation. The landscape is accurate based on a trip I made to the Holy Land, though it is simplified. The shade from the tree made sense to me and allowed me to break up the light as it spreads across the figures.
The Christ figure is large in stature and visually dominates the scene. I liked the agitated skies of the side panels in contrast to the calm blue skies of the center.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bukowski Painting - Away from the Garden III

William Bukowski
Right panel, Reformation Lutheran altarpiece detail
Moses, oil on linen 2008

When I was preparing to paint this work, I wanted an intense man for Moses. He didn't have to be big and strong, but very intense. He is looking at us, confronting us with the law. The landscape is bleak and the law is severe. If we only had the law, we would have no hope of salvation. It is a reminder of our need for Jesus as our Savior. It is symmetrical to the Luther painting on the other side.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bukowski Painting - Away from the Garden

William Bukowski
Luther, the Bible and Christ Crucified

Oil on linen, side panel altarpiece 2008

This panel shows a version of Martin Luther that incorporates the portraits of Lucas Cranach from Luther's time.
The background is the Wartburg Castle where Luther hid and translated the Bible. He is looking to Jesus for salvation and holding the well worn Holy Bible in his hands. The season is fall for the Reformation. The carved crucifix emphasizes Christ paying for our sins with his death.

This is part of a commission for Reformation Lutheran Church in Hillsboro, Oregon. Dedication is set for November 2, 2008.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bukowski Painting - Away from the Garden

A commission I recently finished was shipped to Hillsboro, Oregon. The subject center is the Sermon on the Mount, and the sides include Moses and Martin Luther. It is painted on linen in oil. It was particularly challenging because I normally work from life and this is based on art theory and principles, memory and research.

The most important part of the altarpiece is making the Christian themes that will successfully enhance worship. In the next week it will be installed and dedicated at Reformation Lutheran Church and the congregation will be confronted with compelling images to look at during every service.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bukowski Painting - St. Paul Art Crawl

This weekend marked this season's version of the St. Paul Art Crawl in St. Paul, Minnesota. I saw the opportunity as a chance to have an artistic presence in St. Paul besides the State Fair. The openings were at the Rossmor Building. I was assigned to a space on 4th floor with several other artists. Though everyone said the traffic was slow and with the poor economy there weren't many sales, it was still an opportunity to meet some interested people and to talk about the paintings. Most people wanted to know where the garden is? or did I make it up? How long did it take? After a while the artist next to me, Chris and I would just watch how people walked past the art or tried to avoid talking to the artist. It is always harsh to have someone walk quickly past the work.

The natural light gave the paintings a nice glow.

Now I know how the people feel that work the trade shows. After about 12 hours you just want to have a nice conversation or a little appreciation for the work on the wall.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bukowski Painting - Sculpture in the Garden

William Bukowski

Sculpture in the Garden 2007
oil on linen 48" X 24"

I did a short series of vertical canvases and this one
shows a new sculpture the park featured last summer. I like how it refers to the ancient world and the figure.
This painting was out on approval and the audience didn't like where the water was coming from the fountain.
From my perspective, it was the way I saw it at a particular time as accurately as I could paint it. I can't help the way
other people see it.