Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sibley Park Summer of 2009

William Bukowski
oil on linen
40" X 30

Sometimes you work so long on a painting and look at it and wonder if the hours and effort show at all. It could look like another "pretty flower" picture, when in your mind you are constantly struggling with light, weather, actual plant growth, color, composition, brushstrokes, expecting some kind of artistic breakthrough.

Does it really express the intensity of the experience? or is it just another pretty picture.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Painting from Life.

The more you look, the more you see......

You can look like the stereotype hobbyist and everyone can see your mistakes.

The light and weather can be so uncooperative that while you wait for the right light, the flowers die. 

It is easy to see why the practice of painting from life is seen as so archaic or outmoded or quaint to modern artists. 

It might take forever to feel comfortable working from nature.  And you have to actually "go outside and play" and that doesn't always fit into the concept of the angst of modernism.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The final push of the summer.

William Bukowski
Garden Edge (in progress)
oil on linen    30" X 40"

The edge of the garden looks to live for a while yet, so I am optimistic that I can finish this work from life.  Some how the summer has slipped by and school is starting.  Panic would normally be the feeling I would have with so little time left, but I can handle it.  I think I can......I think I can.......

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wind Turbines for Invitational Show at GAC.

William Bukowski
Minnesota landscape
(in progress) oil on linen canvases

The subject of this 3 paintings set is the wind turbine in the modern Minnesota landscape.  I was asked to participate in an exhibition at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota.  The show will take place this fall and there will be a program on wind energy during the semester.   The college has plans of building a wind turbine for part of their energy needs.

I set out to find some wind turbines and found some near Butterfield, Minnesota.   My first reaction was that the aliens have landed.  There is something really odd and interesting about giant wind mills on the Minnesota farm.   I decided that one view wasn't enough so I changed the perspective one each, but tried to keep them connected.  

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The peak has passed.

Sibley Park
William Bukowski
oil on linen
(in progress)

Once again, painting
gardens can be a metaphor for life.  At first you are waiting eagerly for the growth  of the new beds and buds.  Then everything comes together, and blossoms in its glory and you enjoy the peak of summer.   

And eventually you realize that no matter what, the peak will pass and slowly the flowers will die.  For a few days you wouldn't notice.  Some of the flowers are quite healthy, but you know what is coming.

  I hope to finish at least two more from life before the end.