Friday, September 5, 2008

Bukowski Painting- Minnesota State Fair

William Bukowski
Mattina nel Giardino
oil on linen    2008

I entered the State Fair in St. Paul this summer with this painting.  I was a little disappointed with the show in general.  There was a lot of realism, but much of it was a kind of academic realism from the 19th century American school.  The problem with it is that is seems to be based on "rules" and "how to"  it doesn't really have a place for individualism or accidents or invention.  There was also a lot of brown tones and dull color.  It didn't suit me.

I titled my painting in Italian just for the fun of it. I hope it is translated correctly.  I think is says morning in the garden.  By the time summer ended, this scene didn't exist anymore.  The flowers became gigantic and were overrun with stuff.  I was happy with the painting.
Watch for the St. Paul Art Crawl in October.

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